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Kenya Ports Authority is ISO 9001:2015 certified under certification No. KEBS ISO 9001:2015 Certified Org. 87.

KPA’s Quality Policy:

Kenya Ports Authority is committed to the provision of efficient and competitive port services to facilitate global trade through enhanced customer service, operational excellence and the preservation of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information during the execution of our mission.

We undertake to ensure that this policy & Management System objectives are aligned to KPA Strategic Objectives to;

1.                  Improve customer satisfaction

2.                  Improve Port Services

3.                  Improve Labour productivity

4.                  Sustain Business Growth

5.                  Enhance risk management and environmental Sustainability


We are committed to complying with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) and ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management System (ISMS) Standards, applicable statutory regulations and aligning our management system policies and processes

with Risk Management. We shall effectively implement and continually improve our Management System policies, processes and capabilities.

Kenya Ports Authority shall ensure that the Quality & Information Security Objectives are established at relevant functions and processes within the Organization. These objectives shall be reviewed for suitability on an annual basis in accordance with the Authority's Performance Management framework.

KPA Journey to ISO certification

In an effort to improve service delivery KPA Management adopted the implementation of ISO 9001-2008 QMS in 2007 to effect the necessary change and modernize several key operating systems and structures with the aim of achieving international standards.

The process has helped in the re-engineering of management processes thereby making them efficient and focused on set objectives. It has also helped in creating a competitive advantage in the public service.

KPA attained ISO 9001-2008 Quality Management System (QMS) certification in June 2009 and has been recertified twice, in February 2012 and March 2015. (ISO Certification No. KEBS/QMS/087). Transitioning to the 2015 QMS Standard.

KPA automated its QMS through Rubiq software to enhance business processes and deliver real time reporting and monitoring of information for ease of follow-up and decision making.

As part of the Enterprise Risk Management policy we are guide by ISO 31000 Risk Management (RM).

The Authority was one (1) of six (6) organizations to participate in the ISO 26000 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) pilot implementation exercise in Kenya.The Authority is currently in the process of implementing a Green Eco Port Policy which entails certification in ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System (EMS) and ISO 18001:2015 Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSAS).Further, the Authority is in the initial phases of pursuing certification in ISO 27001 Information Security Management System (ISMS) and ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management (BCM).

What next following certification?

Conduct continuous ISO awareness exercise to all staff which culminates with an annual ISO Awareness Day. Conduct periodic (twice a year) compliance and improvement audits of the Quality Management System. Conduct period Management Review Meetings (twice per year); where Top Management assess the status of the QMS and direct improvement actions to be undertaken.


The Authority’s attainment of ISO certification has:-

improved port services and customer satisfaction.

Enhanced operation efficiency.

Productivity of internal resources. 

QMS gains 2009 – 2019

During the first cycle of certification the focus was on compliance with the standard. This lead to conformity to documented processes and procedures.

In the second and third cycle the focus shifted to continual improvement and effectiveness of the process in line with the Authority Strategic goals. Spirit of Continual Improvement.

Dr. Arch. Daniel Manduku
MANAGING DIRECTOR                        Date: 15th July, 2019