How do I benefit from holding an account with you?
It reduces the need for you to carry cash every time you process a document.
It allows you to pay by your company cheque.
It allows you a six days credit period.
It allows you to reconcile your transactions effectively.

Do I need a security before opening an account?
Yes. You need an open bank guarantee of at least Ksh.200,000.00 or deposit the same amount with us.

What are the procedures for opening a ledgeraccount?                                           
Write an application to the Revenue Accountant and the relevant forms will be provided to you.

How long does it take for KPA to produce invoices and the clearance of cargo from the port?
It takes an average of two (2) hours from the time Mombasa Port Release Orders (MPROs) and customs entries are received from customs authority to the time the client is issued his invoice. Invoices are sent to cargo section every 30 minutes and the client can remove his consignment within five (5) hours.

How do I clear my cargo from the port?
You give your documents to a registered Clearing Agent who will lodge them with the Kenya Revenue Authority and Kenya Ports Authority.
