The Procurement & Supplies Department of Kenya Ports Authority is established pursuant to Section 2 of the Public Procurement & Asset Disposal Act 2015 and Regulation 8 of the Public Procurement & Disposal Regulations 2006 and as amended vide Legal Notice No. 106 of 2013. ..
The Department is responsible for managing the procurement and asset disposal processes, thus;
1. Preparation of the Annual Procurement Plan
2. Procurement of goods, works and services
3. Contract Management
4. Supply Chain Management, including Inventory and Distribution
5. Disposal of Stores and Equipment that are unserviceable, obsolete or surplus
The unit has a dedicated Customer Care Section which handles general enquiries on matters pertaining to the Authority's procurement and supplies. The Customer Care desk can be contacted through Tel: 041 211 3603/2400 or email: .
Tender process specific enquiries must be channelled through: